Още полети до Доминика за Световния фестивал на креолската музика

Кратка актуализация на новините
Написано от Хари Джонсън

In anticipation of Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) scheduled for October 27-29, the island is preparing for the influx of travelers who will be visiting to celebrate the island’s biggest event of the year. International and regional airlines have added additional flights to the island, making travel to the destination for this year’s event…

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  • In anticipation of Dominica's World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) scheduled for October 27-29, the island is preparing for the influx of travelers who will be visiting to celebrate the island's biggest event of the year.
  • International and regional airlines have added additional flights to the island, making travel to the destination for this year's event….
  • eTurboNews статиите са само за абонати.


За автора

Хари Джонсън

Хари Джонсън е бил редактор на задания за eTurboNews за повече от 20 години. Той живее в Хонолулу, Хавай, и е от Европа. Той обича да пише и да отразява новините.

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